The Mothers of Influence community is a united effort to lift hearts.
We know lasting change comes when a mother's heart reawakens, so the focus of everything we do is on rediscovering beauty; and regaining attention and desire for the good, the true, and the beautiful.
Inside, you'll gather with thousands of other women who are turning away from the emptiness of modern culture and embracing beauty, refinement, and joy through the arts. In addition to the virtual community, you'll be able to connect with mothers near you to form local Mothers of Influence circles.
As soon as you enter the community, look for the Catch the Vision introductory course. It will give you the foundation you need to understand what it means to be a Mother of Influence and to live in the Spirit of Belle Ame.
Belle Ame means Beautiful Soul.
Beautiful souls create a beautiful world.
A beautiful world is the Belle Ame Dream.